PythonExample: Read IMU

Example: Read IMU Data

This example demonstrates how to read the IMU data from the MotorGo Plink board. The script sets up the MotorGo Plink board and reads the raw IMU data from the onboard IMU, as well as the gravity vector calculated by the AHRS filter.

# Before running this script, ensure that the MotorGo Plink is
# connected to the Raspberry Pi and that it has been flashed with the
# PyPlink firmware.
import time
from motorgo.plink import Plink
def main():
    # Create a Plink object
    plink = Plink()
    # The first thing to set up for a Plink is the power supply voltage.
    # This is the voltage you are providing to the Plink on the barrel jack.
    # If this is the battery, make sure this is the charged voltage.
    plink.power_supply_voltage = 9.0
    # This command will initiate communications and confirm
    # that the Plink is connected/available
    # The Plink object has an IMU object, corresponding to the 4 motor channels
    # You can save a reference as a local variable for convenience (as below) or
    # access them directly from the Plink object
    imu = plink.imu
    # The IMU object provides the raw IMU data:
    # - 3-axis accelerometer data in m/s^2
    # - 3-axis gyroscope data in rad/s
    # - 3-axis magnetometer data in uT
    while True:
        # Print out the IMU data
        print(f"Acceleration: {imu.accel}")
        print(f"Angular Velocity: {imu.gyro}")
        print(f"Magnetic Field: {imu.mag}")
        print(f"Gravity Vector: {imu.gravity_vector}")
        # Delay as long as you need, communications continue in the background
if __name__ == "__main__":